

Tobie S. Stein
Tobie S. Stein


Recognized international scholar and professor, specializing in nonprofit and arts leadership, access, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Two-time Fulbright Specialist (Taiwan and Israel).

Ph.D. Sociology, Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York, 1998.
Dissertation: Workforce Transitions    from the Profit to the Nonprofit Sector 
Oral Exams: Passed with Distinction.
Master of Philosophy, Sociology, Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York, 1996.
Master of Fine Arts, Performing Arts Management, Brooklyn College, 1982.
BS in Speech, Business and Industrial Communications, Summa Cum Laude, Emerson College, 1979.

Professor, Department of Theater, National Sun Yat-sen University, 2022-present
Teach undergraduate courses in theater management, performing arts marketing and creativity in the arts.

Racial Justice Advocacy: Virtual Speaker, 2020-present
Toni Yuille Williams, moderator, Brooklyn Savvy, “Jews of Color.” December 2021.
Toni Yuille Williams, moderator, Brooklyn Savvy, “White Fragility, Episodes One and Two,” Facebook Live, March 2021. https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSavvyTV/videos 
Walker International Communications Group, “White Authors Writing about Multicultural Perspectives for White Publishers,” February 18, 2021.
Walker International Communications Group, “Moral Leadership and White Allyship,” and “Cultural Pluralism” Four day conference, January 6-9, 2021.
Walker International Communications Group, “Racial Awareness and Confronting Microaggressions,” Zoom, November 2020.
Walker International Communications Group, “Moral Leadership in the Performing Arts,” Zoom, October 2020.
Toni Yuille Williams, moderator. Brooklyn Savvy, “Believe Black Women,” Facebook Live, September 2020. https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSavvyTV
Camilla Ross, Karen Loomis, and Karen Nowicki, moderators. “Black Funding Matters,” Phoenix RadioX podcast, September 2020. Co-panelist: Toni Yuille Williams. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6710204450134380545/
Toni Yuille Williams, moderator. Brooklyn Savvy, “Getting Uncomfortable Talking About Race,” Facebook Live, August 2020. https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSavvyTV
Toni Yuille Williams, moderator. Brooklyn Savvy, “What is Racial Humility,” Facebook Live, August 2020. https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSavvyTV
Richard Cammarieri, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, moderator. “White Fragility: A Conversation of Allyship.” Facebook Live, August 2020. Co-panelists: Becca Zimmerman, Mark Katz. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6704052628562808832/
Durell Cooper, moderator. International Contemporary Ensemble, “Leadership, Advocacy, and Allyship in the Performing Arts Through a Racial Justice Lens.” virtual conference, Facebook Live, June 2020. Co-panelists: Donna Walker Kuhne, Sharnita C. Johnson. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6681999103905292288/
Johnathan Lee Iverson, moderator. CircusTalk, “Wakeup Call for Inclusion: The Change.” Facebook Live, June 2020. Co-panelists: Monique Martin, Vicki Amedume, Jessica Hentoff, and Kevin Venardos. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6681233884803416064/
Toni Yuille Williams and Eli Kuslansky, moderators. Art Movez podcast, “Diversity in the Performing Arts.” June 2020 (released). https://artmovez.net/index.php/2019/11/03/diversity-in-the-performing-arts/
Toni Yuille Williams and Eli Kuslansky, moderator. Art Movez, “Art Movez Launch.” Facebook Live, June 2020. Co-panelist: Indira Etwaroo. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6677952084941250560/
Dave O’Brien (University of Edinburgh), interviewer. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce.” New Books Network podcast, March 2020.

Consultant and Guest Blogger, Walker International Communications Group (October 2020-present)
Working with predominately White performing arts organizations to transform their organizational structures, which are grounded in racial injustice and inequity.
Panelista, Brooklyn Savvy, Channel 25, moderated by creator and host Toni Williams (Fall 2020-present).
Professor Emerita, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York  2019
Director of MFA Program in Performing Arts Management 1997-2019
Full Professor 2003
Named Tow Professor, 2011-2012; Named Koppelman Professor, 2006-2008.
Directed and managed all aspects of a 60-credit graduate degree in performing arts management.

Full responsibility for coordinating the creation of a new graduate arts management curricula with 12 full-time and adjunct faculty; managing a professional internship and employment program, resulting in 100 percent placement of graduate students in mid-to senior level New York City professional industry-related jobs prior to graduation; creating and managing an alumni mentorship program of 100 New York City professional performing arts management mentors; responsible for advising and approving all graduate performing arts management theses; overseeing performing arts management website; raising money for scholarships.

International/National Invited Keynote Addresses and Lectures

Visiting Lecturer, New York University, “EDI,” November 8, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, University of Southern California, “Leadership Styles,” October 6, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, New York University, “EDI,” June 15, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, Baruch College, MA in Arts Administration, “Creating Antiracist Influence and Managing Relationships in the Arts,” April 19, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, Emerson College, MA Program in Theater Education, “Leadership and EDI,” March 16, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, Dean College, “Leadership,” March 11, 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, Columbia University, MFA, Producing. “EDI,” February 11, 2021.
Speaker, “Moral Leadership and White Allyship,” University of California, Santa Barbara, January 2021.
Visiting Lecturer, New York University, MA Program in Arts Management, “EDI,” October 26, 2020.
Featured guest, Brooklyn Savvy, hosted by Toni Williams, “Diversity and the Performing Arts,” aired Channel 25, New York, April 2020. https://www.facebook.com/tobie.stein/posts/10157722725283525

Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, “Racial Justice and the Performing Arts,” Spring 2020.
Visiting Professor, University of Southern California, “Leadership,” Fall 2018, 2019, 2021.
Visiting Professor, Hebrew University: Rothberg International School, MA Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector course, August 2018.
Visiting Professor, National Taiwan Normal University and University of Chinese Culture. Keynote Address: Performing Arts and Social Change in Arts Education. Graduate master class: Leadership and the Performing Arts, November 2018.

Visiting Professor, Taipei National University of the Arts, “Leadership, Social Media Fundraising, and Broadway Brand Lectures.” April 2017.
Visiting Professor, Chung Yuan University and National Taiwan Normal University, “Leadership and Broadway Brand Lectures.” April 2017.
Leadership Workshop, Performing Arts Alliance, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2017.
Visiting Professor, National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts, Beijing, China, April 2017.
Keynote Address, “Leadership in the Performing Arts.” 2016 Arts Management Evolution-Cultural Leadership Forum and Workshop, National Taiwan Normal University and Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, November 2016.
Visiting Professor, National Taiwan Normal University, Shih Chien University, and National SunYat-Sen University, “Leadership and Social Media Fundraising Lectures,” November 2016.
Visiting Professor, Hebrew University: Rothberg International School, MA Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Fundraising for the Nonprofit Sector course, July 2016.
Visiting Professor, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei National University of the Arts, and the University of Chinese Culture, lectures on leadership and fundraising, September 2015.
Visiting Professor, ISAM-IAE Nancy, Université de Lorraine (CEREFIGE) and the ICN Business School, lecture on leadership in the performing arts research, June 2015.
National Taiwan Normal University; Tainan University of the Arts; Aletheia University, Tamsui, Taiwan: Lectures on Leadership in the Performing Arts, October 1-21, 2014.
Cloud Gate National Dance Theatre of Taiwan, lecture and workshop on leadership in the performing arts, October 13, 2014.
Centro Nacional de las Artes and US Embassy in Mexico City. August 16-17, 2012. Invited keynote talk on “US-Mexico Cultural Exchange.”
Universidad Iberoamericana. “US-Mexico Cultural Exchange.” August 15, 2012.
“The Broadway Brand.” Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, August 16, 2011.
“Getting A Master’s Degree.” Actors Fund. Panel Presentation, April 27, 2011.

Vision and Prospect. Academic Conference for the Department of Applied Music, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Invited keynote speaker and panelist. Invited to give four speeches: New Approaches to Arts Administration and the New Strategic Direction of Arts Management in New York; The Role of Government in Funding Arts Entrepreneurship in New York; The New York-Asian Performing Arts Connection: Cross-Cultural Exchanges between the United States and Asia; The Role of Applied Learning in Supporting the Profession. January 4-6, 2011.
Career Paths to Top Arts Management Positions. Arts Reach National Arts Marketing and
Development Conference. New York University. March 15, 2010.
Con Edison Multicultural Arts Management Internship Program Panel, August 2003.


Careers in Performing Arts Management. With the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, this seminar focused on creating employment and higher education opportunities for people of color in performing arts management. Responsible for organizing panel discussion at Lincoln Center with opening remarks made by Reynold Levy, president of Lincoln Center; attracted more than 150 audience members; press included Hispanic Outlook and production company producing a piece for Public TV. December 2002; Encore presentation at Brooklyn College May 2003.


Diversity Across Disciplines: An Examination of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Paper given at Brooklyn College Faculty Day symposium. May 2002.
Creating Opportunities for People of Color in Performing Arts Management. Paper given at TSAI Grantee Meeting, Miami. Hosted by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Surdna Foundation, April 2002.
Mentoring: Gateway to Persistence, Graduation, and Success for Students of Color. Paper presented at the American Council on Education National Conference: Educating All of One Nation. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 18-20, 2001.
Workforce Transitions from the Profit to the Nonprofit Sector. Paper presented at the Human Resources Global Management Conference, The Cranfield Network on European and Global HRM, Barcelona, Spain, June 19-22, 2001.


Placement of Graduate Students in New York City Industry Related Positions

Actors’ Equity Association, Boneau/Bryan-Brown, Broadway Asia, Brooklyn Academy of

Music, CAMI Theatricals, Disney Theatricals, IMG Artists, Lincoln Center Corporate Fund, Lincoln Center Festival, Marc Routh Productions, Manhattan Theatre Club, Mark Morris Dance Company, Marvel Entertainment, Metropolitan Opera, New Georges, New York City Ballet, Public Theater, Roundabout Theatre Company, Situation Interactive, Soho Rep., SpotCo, the Stage Directors and Choreographers, and Theatre Communications Group have hired my Brooklyn College graduate students as executive and managing directors, general and company managers, marketing, development, financial executives, and booking agents.

Graduate and University Center, The City University of New York 1995-1997
Center for Advanced Study in Education
Director, Nonprofit Management and Communications Certificate Program
Raised $300,000 from New York City’s Consortium for Worker Education to support creation of a nonprofit management cross-disciplinary curricula; educate 80 corporate managers in nonprofit management; conduct workforce education research; create employment and internship opportunities for corporate managers in nonprofit arts organizations, universities, human service, and health care organizations, utilizing a network of 120 nonprofit organizations.

Baruch College, The City University of New York 1991-1994
Division of Continuing Studies
Director, Nonprofit Management and Communications Certificate Program
Created Nonprofit Management and Communications Program for Baruch College.

Awards, Grants, and Recognition

Board Member, Brooklyn Arts Council, 2021-2023.
Named “2020 Champion of the Arts” by Donna Walker Kuhne.
Diversity Scholars Network, National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan, 2017-present.
Fulbright Specialist, Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, 2014. Papers on leadership in the performing arts.
Fulbright Specialist, University of Haifa, MBA Program in Nonprofit Management. 2012. Papers: The Future of American Jewish Philanthropy to Israel, Social Fundraising, and Institutional Philanthropy.

United States Embassy, Tel Aviv. Invited by the Embassy and the Israeli Cultural Institutions Forum. Topic: Fundraising and Arts Management, December 2011.
Brooklyn College Alumni Award, 2015.
Composers Now, Distinguished Mentors Council, 2015-2021. Drama League Nominator, 2014-15.
Tony Awards Nominator and Tony Awards Voter, 2011-2014, American Theatre Wing and the Broadway League.
Received research grants ($17,000) for my book Performing Arts Management: A Handbook of Professional Practices 2006-2007.
Received grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, AT&T Foundation, and the CUNY Workforce Initiative to support internship stipends of Brooklyn College performing arts management students and to help create opportunities for people of color in performing arts management ($150,000) 2002-2007
Interview, Performing Arts Management, MUZIK, (Taiwan) January-February, 2011.
Interview, Foundation Center Philanthropy Chat: Fundraising for Performing Arts.
Foundationcenter.org October 8, 2009.
Spivey, Angela (cover story interview). “The Higher Education Theatre Pedigree: How Hiring Graduates of Theatre Arts Administration Programs Can Raise Your Business IQ.” DramaBiz, January 2008.

Performing Arts Management: A Handbook of Professional Practices, 2nd Edition (lead author with Jessica Bathurst and Renee Lasher). Forthcoming November 2022. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.
Walker International Communications Blog. “Moral Leadership and EDIA in the Performing Arts.” November 8, 2020. https://walkercommunicationsgroup.com/2020/11/08/moral-leadership-and-edia-in-the-performing-arts/
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce. 2020. Paperback: 2021. New York and London: Routledge. Review: Tim McClimon, Forbes, September 21, 2020 https://www.forbes.com/sites/timothyjmcclimon/2020/09/21/advancing-racial-and-ethnic-diversity-in-the-performing-arts-workforce/?fbclid=IwAR2ghYyeySrhDoa-VWBGAXRDNf6NTcttk2xaMIrGnSbOZfN7_VSLsR_3rmM#7026aaf06bbe
Leadership in the Performing Arts (Mandarin translation by Dr. Shang Ying Chen, National Sun Yat- Sen University), Taipei: Taipei National University of the Arts, 2019.
Leadership in the Performing Arts. 2016. New York: Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing).
Preface.” 2012. Integration Management in the Applied Music Industry by Jane Chang, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan.
Performing Arts Management: A Handbook of Professional Practices, (lead author with Jessica Bathurst 2008. New York: Allworth Press.
Workforce Transitions from the Profit to the Nonprofit Sector. 2002. New York: Kluwer/Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Workforce Transitions from the Profit to the Nonprofit SectorPaper published in the Human Resources Global Management Conference proceedings by CRANET, The Cranfield Network on European and Global HRM, Barcelona, Spain, June 19-22, 2001.
Boston’s Colonial Theatre: Celebrating a Century of Theatrical Vision. 2000. Boston: Colonial 2000, Ltd.
Creating Opportunities for People of Color in Performing Arts Management,” Winter 2000. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society.
